Name: Thomas
Team: Prince George’s County South, Maryland
Why service?
“Throughout my life I have had many people who have given up a lot so that I could be where I am today. The thought of helping others and not worrying about getting anything in return is the most genuinely amazing feeling and something I have grown very passionate about.”
What first drew you to working with youth?
“I’ve always been drawn to working with kids because of all the daily hardships and roadblocks they face, especially in low socio-economic neighborhoods. Youth are also very impressionable and haven’t realized how much potential they have. Unlocking this potential is a very powerful and rewarding thing not only to the child, but for the people who helped that child along the way. With these positive seeds being planted in youth they will grow up and maybe even pay it forward and be that spark in someone else’s life that will be there for them when they needed it most.”
At this point in your Fellowship, has your perspective changed?
“The one view point I had prior to working for Choice that has changed throughout my fellowship year was that even though we might think we know what’s best for our youth at the end of the day they’re the experts of their own lives and know how best to succeed. This has also allowed me to step back and make the youth I work with responsible for what they need to do while I take more of a back seat and help them when they need it.”
What Harry Potter house would you be in?
“At first thought I always figured I would go with Hufflepuff seeing as though my last name is Huff but after heavy consideration I would choose to be in Slytherin. Slytherin has a tradition of greatness and has the mantra that you should always do what’s necessary to be great and if I’m going to be a wizard I want to be the greatest.”